Cardiac Responder is an Australian hi-tech and engineering company offering products and services that enhance customer heart safety and profitability.
We pioneered the remote monitoring of defibrillators including for underground coal mines to improve reliability and effectiveness and to reduce the risk of fatalities due to cardiac arrest.
Cardiac Responder is now launching an innovative defibrillator solution for hazardous areas and underground coal mines.
Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of sudden death in western society and mine managers can now safely protect their people while they are underground.
Until now this solution was not possible due to stringent underground electrical engineering requirements and the absence of a high-tech solution.
After experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), the likelihood of a victim’s survival is extremely low if defibrillation is not provided within five minutes.
24/ 7 remotely monitored AEDs are available for installation in Ex d enclosures in underground operations areas at coal mines with guaranteed supply of safe and rapid deployment to increase the likelihood of a victim’s survival.
AED’s are currently installed at coal mine pit top offices or first aid rooms. When an AED is not installed underground, due to time consuming transport distances, there would not be sufficient time to apply it to a victim successfully.
However, the likelihood of SCA survival could be significantly increased if the AED is installed underground, near to where mineworkers are working.
A key consideration for placing AEDs in underground coal mines are the electrical characteristics of AED technology.
Typically, when an AED operates, it delivers a short duration, high voltage waveform to a victim. The electrical energy transfer is significantly greater than the minimum energy that is required to ignite explosive mixtures of methane or coal dust.
In response Cardiac Responder has designed an ‘Ex d Enclosure’ in conjunction with Stahl Australia for the safe deployment and use of 24/ 7 remotely monitored AEDs in underground coal mines.
Cardiac Responder deployments of AEDs at pit top and underground operations must comply with The Defibrillator Guidelines requirements for installation and daily checking.
The underground solution is now available for deployment.