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Have your say on addressing mine site collisions

Haul road driving truck mining hauling vehicle interaction incident

Consultation is now open on the draft of a guide that aims to address vehicle collisions in the New South Wales mining industry.

The Technical Reference Guide (TRG) was developed by the NSW Resources Regulator in consultation with Adverse Vehicle Interactions Advisory Committee.

The committee includes representatives from the NSW Minerals Council, Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia, the Mining and Energy Union and the Australian Workers Union.

The guide specifically examines roads or other vehicle operating areas and a principal hazard management plan for surface and open cut mining operations.

Industry is invited to provide feedback on the draft TRG with consultation open for five weeks from February 3 to March 9 2025.

NSW Resources Regulator chief inspector Anthony Margetts said the consultation process will help ensure the draft TRG is fit for purpose.

“The TRG uses a layered approach to achieve safe operating states for mobile plant and is being developed to ensure compliance with mine operators’ legislative requirements to avoid adverse vehicle interactions,”  Margetts said.

“Adverse vehicle interactions are a significant hazard on roads and other vehicle operating areas in mining operations, with the potential to cause fatalities and serious injury.”

Margetts emphasised NSW mine operators are required to eliminate risks to workers or, when risks cannot be eliminated, ensure they are controlled as low as is reasonably practicable.

“Hazard identification, risk assessment and control are critical steps in ensuring safe work systems and a safe work environment,” he said.

“This guide will ensure mine operators and individual workers are given practical information that will make everyday tasks safer to carry out.”

To find out more and provide your feedback visit

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