Queensland’s Work Health and Safety Board, the peak advisory Board to its government on work health and safety issues, has developed a five-year plan to make the state safer.
The Board, made up of representatives from employer associations, trade unions and academia, developed a five-year plan in response to the recommendations of the Best Practice Review into Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace commented: “The plan reflects fresh and contemporary thinking, with close consideration to current and emerging global trends and their impact on work health and safety across government, industry, workplaces and community.
“The Board has identified four main areas to focus on over the next five years.
“There’ll be emphasis on embracing innovation and technology, designing healthy and safe work, fostering a culture of health and safety, and regulating effectively.”
The development of the five-year strategic plan is one of 58 recommendations of the Best Practice Review into Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Grace said that 90 per cent of the recommendations were fully implemented or well advanced.