Fighting Against Fatigue Through Real-time Data
Often underestimated, fatigue has a significant impact on workplace safety that can lead to catastrophic consequences, especially for lone workers. …
HydroBond: Dust Suppression for Revegetation
Australian companies operating in the mining, civil & infrastructure, energy, defence, and rail industries are working with environmental solutions providers …
FibreLoc: Dust suppression for extreme environments
FibreLoc is a wood-mulch-based dust suppression solution designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and high salinity levels where polymer-only solutions …
Making protection personal to achieve zero harm
Zero harm to people should not be the goal of a mining operation – it should be the minimum safety …
Aggregates company improves air quality for global miner
Global mining company reduces occupational exposure with implementation of ISO 23875 cabin air quality standard.
Hunter Valley tailings storage facility dust suppression
Dust suppression maintenance for a tailings storage facility in the Hunter Valley occurred in December 2021.
OnGuard real-time air quality monitoring and control
When it comes to providing a safe working environment, BreatheSafe believes zero exposure to dust is the only way to ensure zero harm.
The importance of education in fire mitigation
To limit the losses of a mine-site fire, plant operators should know how to respond when an inferno hits. A fire suppression system is not the only consideration.
Why is lock out tag out necessary?
Lock out tag out (LOTO) procedures including isolation are required to minimise the risk of uncontrolled movement of equipment or …
Fire Forensics investigate marijuana grow house fire
Illegal wiring installed for a house set up to grow marijuana caught fire. The Origin The house was privately tenanted, …
SHOWA Eco Best Technology: Waste not, want not
The nitrile glove market in the USA is expected to reach US$370 million by 2023.
Keeping operators safe from invisible risks
Even in pressurised spaces, operators and workers at mine sites may still be vulnerable to respirable dust and the health risks of prolonged exposure.
Fire Forensics solves the puzzle of fire in Mozambique
Fire Forensics was initially asked to investigate a single excavator fire, but on arrival its investigator was presented with two …
Cut through the confusion
Showa has recognised and responded to updates in international standards for protective gear, backed by 70 years of unrivalled protection and innovation.
Reduce occupational exposure in operator enclosures: ISO 23875 performance requirements
ISO 23875, published in February 2021, is the first and only international operator enclosure air quality standard.
Hand protection in the mining industry
Showa is the global leader in hand solutions for the mining industry and is the only company with complete control over the design and manufacture of its protective gloves.
Mine site rehabilitation
When you combine scientific research, highest quality materials and the latest application technology, astonishing results can be made.
Showa Eco Best Technology delivers sustainable gloves
As global awareness of waste increases, so too has the demand for more sustainable products and innovations in waste management.
Are you able to hear clearly wearing earmuffs?
Not being able to hear clearly while wearing earmuffs is a problem in the mining industry that can have safety repercussions.
Why is lock out tag out necessary?
Lock out tag out (LOTO) procedures including isolation are required to minimise the risk of uncontrolled movement of equipment or release of energy that could lead to an incident involving actual or potential personal injury, environmental impact or asset damage.
Custom made earplugs for quality rest
Sleeping well is not only vital to staying healthy, but can have a huge impact on one’s work life.
Custom made hearing protection for industry
We can all agree that hearing protection is essential in loud industry environments. There are plenty of ready-fit options available, like regular earmuffs and foam plugs. But there are better options, like custom hearing protection.
XLR powered engine air intake precleaner and pre-filtration
Endeavouring to provide clean air to engines has been a historical challenge for decades. Introduction of precleaner technology attached to engine air intake filtration systems has further enhanced engine protection and filter service life.
RESPA and QCABAIR technology for enclosed cabins
Statistics and reports have revealed that respirable disease and other debilitating health effects are on the rise due to workplace exposure to airborne particulate and fibre.
Hearing loss: A commonly reported injury in the mining industry
Protecting workers from hearing damage is critical and finding the right hearing protection products, often a custom-made solution, can be an integral solution in providing optimal hearing protection for workers that need it.
CoolVest turns heatstroke from fatal to treatable condition
With the right equipment heatstroke is an immediately treatable condition. However, heatstroke can have disastrous long-term consequences on health if left untreated.
Fleet safety and maintenance tracking management/telemetry system
Changes in workplace health and safety regulations, guidelines, standards have seen heightened chain of responsibility (COR) obligations with increased enforcement of penalties.
Technology tools can change mining’s health and safety record
OSIsoft has released survey results relating to health and safety in mining. The company sought to understand to what extent members of the mining sector felt their workplace could be improved and how far along they were in thinking about the next steps.
Wake up to driver fatigue monitoring
Operators, regulators, authorities – be it in relation to on-road or off-road vehicles – have acknowledged the inherent risks of driver fatigue.
Consider different eye protection options for the workplace
Many Australians work in industries that carry a high risk of eye injury. The two main causes of eye injuries are lack of eye protection or insufficient eye protection.
Fifty-seven of the worst tailings disasters over the last 20 years
Learn about the dangers and risks associated with tailings when not properly monitored and managed.
Global mining technology group secures advanced remote worker management
Sandvik Rock Tools has streamlined their employee safety monitoring process by using JESI remote worker management software. Employees must undertake long and solitary travel in order to complete their work. Thanks to JESI’s non-invasive user interface and comprehensive dashboard, Sandvik Rock Tools is ensuring worker safety and regulatory standards compliance.
Breathing easy in enclosed cabins
Re-occurrence of pneumoconiosis or respiratory disease is not only common in the coal mining industry.
Ten ways to encourage employee buy-in with new technology
JESI and Fleet Complete explore the challenges of introducing new technologies into businesses and the implications of those challenges on employee buy-in.
The 2020 welding fume and respiratory protection survey
Even with everything that is now known about the dangers of welding fume, only 20 per cent of Australian and New Zealand welders answered ‘yes’ when they were asked if they felt protected from it at work.
Fifty-seven of the worst tailings disasters over the last 20 years
Learn about the dangers and risks associated with tailings when not properly monitored and managed.
The future of mine safety: Lessons, trends and developments
What will it take to achieve zero harm in the mining industry? Join Hexagon Mining’s Marcos Bayuelo to learn more about the latest advances in the company’s MineProtect portfolio.
Removing equipment and vehicles blind spot
Vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to person (V2P) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) interactions are still one of the most significant OH&S mitigation challenges facing many industries, where vehicles, infrastructure and people interact.
A2K Technologies helps keep mines operational
iTWOsafe is an application that supports employees to smartly monitor and track physical distance on the job fields.To access iTWOsafe on your smart phone, download the instruction below.
Slide Sledge: Multi-head hammer repair tool
Put away the dangerous hammer and chisel. One operator can safely and easily manoeuvre the Slide Sledge Multi-head Hammer Repair Tool into hard-to-reach places, simplifying repairs while reducing operator effort and injury.
Tyre monitoring systems save lives, fuel, equipment damage
Tyre monitoring systems are quickly becoming a mandatory industry safety control measure for all vehicles using pneumatic tyres.
Stay safe and remain productive with smart distancing
As the global pandemic continues to impact the mining industry, social distancing at mine sites and plants is paramount for the well-being of the professionals and the continuity of business.
Finish every shift safely: Nivek Industries product catalogue 2020
Lower LTIs by protecting against crush injuries, while lifting safety standards and improving skilled trade retention rates. The catalogue unveils brand new products focused on the safety of fitters in heavy industry. Discover the latest in ergonomic tooling manipulators, The Lift Assist 40.
Stay safe and productive with smart distancing
As the global pandemic continues to impact many industries, on-site physical distancing plays a critical role in prioritising the wellbeing of professionals, as well as maintaining business continuity.
Slide Sledge makes jobs safer, faster, easier
Slide Sledge provides the safest hammers on the planet. The team is dedicated to increasing safety while decreasing hazards in the workplace associated with traditional sledgehammers and slap-hammers.
The investor mining and tailings safety initiative: What’s next?
In 2019, the industry witnessed the devastating failure of Brazil’s Brumadinho’s tailing dam which took 250 people’s lives.
What if you customise your eyewear in your brand colours?
Bollé Safety continues to innovate by offering the unique co-branding service. Thanks to this program and our commitment to push our limits to satisfy your needs, you benefit from an innovative service and manufacturing quality beyond any reproach.
Conveyor performance: How to optimise belt tracking systems and prevent downtime
Conveying systems are an essential component to any operation that requires the transportation of bulk materials.
Australia is poised for a new era of mining growth
In the wake of the mining downturn, the industry has recovered to re-affirm its place as a major driver of the Australian economy.
Managing risk: The architecture of safety at Kal Tire
A global leader in the field of mining tyres, Kal Tire delivers customised solutions that ensure maximum productivity and safety from mining tyres.
XLR® POWERED Engine Air Intake Precleaner & Pre-Filtration Technology
World’s first and only XLR® (Extra Low Restriction) Engine Air In- take Powered Precleaner and Pre- Filtration Technology!
Injuries in the workplace from hazardous substances: Minimising risks and impact
In Australia, burns are the sixth leading cause of workplace injury, with roughly 2,500 claims made per year. A new whitepaper from emergency eye wash and shower manufacturer Enware Australia details some of the hazards that mining and manufacturing employees face in the workplace, and how the threat of such hazards can be minimised.
Conveyor safety: Prevent injury and increase productivity
ESS’s new whitepaper discusses the benefits of the ESS onsite training to help ensure conveyor belts are maintained and workers stay safe.
Breathing easy in the workplace: Enclosed cabins of mobile and fixed plant
Respiratory disease cause by airborne particulates and exposure to carcinogenic dust is still an issue at mine sites but there are ways to reduce such hazards to ensure OH&S compliance.
How Wood Group improved the safety of its welding operations
Wood Group PSN saved $1 million in contracting fees, nearly 150 working hours, and delivered improved safety outcomes for one of Australia’s largest gas conditioning plants, thanks to its new Induction Heating system and training and support from Welding Industries of Australia (WIA).
Life insurance for miners
Everyone’s life is precious and unique, including miners. Life is full of uncertainties and while none of us wish for accidents to happen, they can still occur to anyone of us.
Breathe Safe recommends ‘EN15695’ as the minimum standard for mine and quarry sites
When installing an engineering control system to isolate workers at mineral processing sites the guide to follow is EN15695 Euro Zone standard for machinery working with hazardous airborne substances.