
RSHQ flags unmanned vehicle incidents

Resources, Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) has found that unplanned movement of vehicles accounted for 10 high potential incidents in April.

This was reported in RSHQ’s Minerals, Mines and Quarries Inspectorate April periodical, which stated that there were 36 high potential incidents in the state, however there were no serious accidents recorded.

According to the report, of the 10 incidents related to the unplanned movement of vehicles, three were vehicle to vehicle collisions while a further three were vehicle to structure collisions.

The other four incidents were one vehicle to person collision, one movement due to loss of steering, one movement due to loss of braking and one movement due to tip over.

On April 29, a semi-tipper was discharging a load of concentrate on level ground when it rolled over. The truck was stationary, the driver had not put the seatbelt back on after exiting to undo the container latch. The driver received minor injuries.

RSHQ recommended that safety and health management systems ensure that the method of transport is appropriate for the nature of the material and that dust controls systems are installed that do not create isolated pockets of excessive moisture.

When material handling does not perform as expected, identification of any potential unintended consequences must take place.

On April 16, a fall of ground into an ore drive was also recorded when there was a change in the position of the dyke comparative to the levels above.

According to the report, the dyke moved from being on the hanging wall side to the footwall side of the ore.

This change did not trigger or identify an additional hazard regarding the interaction of underground stresses on the dyke.

The rehabilitation plans were not executed in time due to limited availability of shotcrete operators.

The report recommended geological features that may have an impact of ground stability should be mapped and ground controls installed.

It also recommended geological information gained as mining progresses should be incorporated into the planning of the levels below and to ensure appropriate resources required for ground control are available which would prevent potentially unstable situations escalating.

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