Features, Resources

Safe to Work November–December: Hazard avoidance and autonomous equipment

Hazard avoidance

The Australian mining industry is in the midst of a technology revolution. The rise of autonomation is sweeping the sector and bringing with it a new frontier of innovation.

Machine automation, collision avoidance systems, live personnel monitoring, workforce training, personal protective equipment, and instant communications are just some of the areas seeing a rapid evolution.

These advances have heralded a new era of safety for the resources industry, with workers protected from the hazards of mining like never before.

That’s why the November–December edition of Safe to Work is showcasing some of the latest innovations in hazard avoidance and autonomous equipment that allow workers to get back to the task of safely and efficiently keep Australia’s mines on track.

So don’t miss your chance to be in the magazine and get in front of some of the mining industry’s most important decision-makers.

The offer includes:

  • 1 x full-page advertisement for the November–December edition of Safe to Work(ad to be supplied)
  • 1 x editorial piece in Safe to Work (to be written for you by one of our in-house journalists)
  • Editorial to appear on Safe to Work and Australian Mining websites, and be distributed through Safe to Work social media channels.

Expressions of interest close end of day October 9 2024. For more information or to secure your spot, click the button below.


To register interest, please contact:

Jake Niehus

Business development manager


0466 929 675


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